Saturday, April 25, 2015

Week of April 20

Purple Curriculum Updates
Pre-Algebra I with MaryAnn:
In Pre-Algebra I with MaryAnn, the students completed Unit 11 and had an assessment on Wednesday. I was very pleased with the results of this test. On Thursday, we began Unit 12 which is on two step equations, solving inequalities, and the Pythagoream Theory. This is a very short unit and it is anticipated students will have their end of unit assessment a week from this coming Monday. If that changes I will let you know. End of year assessments will begin that same week. I have been handing out review packets to the students and having them work a few problems on each page. They can help themselves by continuing to work an occasional problem or two as they have time.

Pre-Algebra II with Jared:
In Pre-Algebra II, we began the week by reviewing our chapter, followed by taking the test on Tuesday. We then started discussing various types of graphs, including Frequency Plots, Line Plots, Histograms, Stem-and-Leaf Plots, and Box-and-Whisker Plots. Purple roomers were on a field trip on Friday, so when we return on Monday we'll be revisiting these types of graphs online for more practice.

Pre-Algebra III with Emily:
As a whole, the class did very well on the Chapter 9 Geometry test. We went over some of the missed problems on Monday and then started Chapter 10: Using Graphs to Analyze Data. We began by making frequency tables and line plots and displaying data using intervals. We reviewed how to read graphical displays and the important characteristics to include in graphs, such as titles, labeled axes, and scales. Students practiced recognizing and selecting appropriate scales and analyzed why certain scales can give a different impression of the data than other scales. Students made and used stem-and-leaf plots as well as box-and-whisker plots. The class took a quiz on Thursday as well.

Algebra I with Molly:
This week students learned a new way to graph quadratic equations, by finding the axis of symmetry and the vertex. After that they are able to find the y-intercept and an addition point before easily mirroring the points across the axis of symmetry. They reviewed computation with square roots and found the solutions of quadratic equations by solving for x for the x-intercepts.

Geometry with Holly:
We started the week by reviewing for the Chapter 11 test, which the students took on Tuesday.  On Wednesday we began Chapter 12 and the study of circles by discussing tangent lines, followed by chords and arcs on Thursday.  Due to the field trips on Friday we did not have math class.

Language Arts with Jared:
In language arts, students continued working in their groups on their picture books, and will have about half of it completed by next week. In literature, sixth and seventh graders have reached the climax of their novel, Witness, and are working on reading about the community decides to handle the presence of the Klan. Eighth graders are also building up to the climax of To Kill a Mockingbird, following the events of the trial. And in writing, students finished the rough drafts of their Authors' Tea stories, and have begun the editing process.

World Studies with Emily:
Students had some more time to study a collection of WWII primary sources and evaluate them. All three classes were assigned a historic profile poster project, completed with a partner, on leaders during WWII. They spent all of class on Tuesday and Thursday researching, planning, and making their poster with an assigned partner. They will present these poster this coming Tuesday. The leaders include: Hideki Tojo, Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Francisco Franco, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill. All students should be independently finishing up their WWII novels as the book reviews are due this Thursday. 6th and 7th graders will have some time on Monday to read, discuss with their group, or start their review, as well as put finishing touches on their profile poster. In World Studies, students listened to summaries of current articles, including an article from the Washington Post that I read to the students called “FBI director got it wrong on the Holocaust”, and answered many political and physical geography questions about Asia by looking at different maps.  

Earth Science with Molly:
7th & 8th grade groups created playdough models of the different types of lithospheric plate movements and features that result from these movements. The main focus of the week was learning about earthquakes and earthquake safety this week. Students did a lab simulating the friction between two lithospheric plates and measured using strain gauges.

Spanish A with Rebecca:
On Monday, the students learned how to conjugate the irregular verb "ir" (to go) and practiced using it in sentences, describing where we and others are going and for what purpose. On Wednesday, the students took a vocabulary quiz and also learned all the Spanish interrogative words (Who, What, Where, When, Why, How many/much, etc.), how to order words when posing a question, and also practiced creating their own questions and answering them appropriately. Friday was a review day. The test on Chapter 4B will be on Friday (May 1st).

Spanish with Olga:
Spanish B
We continued working with reflexive verbs and manipulating the pronouns. We learned new command forms, both in the affirmative and negative. We had a quiz on vocabulary for reflexive verbs. The students have a verb review packet that is due next Wednesday.  I will give them another review packet on Monday, in preparation for the end of year assessment. The end of year assessment will be on May 13.

Spanish C
We learned and practiced the present perfect form of verbs. We revisited verbs that have the same structure as "gustar" and learned new verbs that work that way. On Monday, I will give them a review packet in preparation for the end of year assessment. The end of year assessment will be on May 13.

Spanish D
We reviewed irregular verbs in the past tense. We also started reviewing pronouns: object, subject, possessives, etc. On Monday, I will give them a review packet in preparation for the end of year assessment. The end of year assessment will be on May 13.

Spanish D+
We continue working on the imperfect subjunctive, conditional, future, conditional perfect and future perfect, to express ideas that are contrary to fact (such as "If I were a rich man..." On Monday, I will give them a review packet in preparation for the end of year assessment. The end of year assessment will be on May 13.

Art with Patti:

The representational charcoal drawings the students have done look great, and they’ve done a great job showing dimension. They’ve also started working on the background using a repeated element that intertwines around each other. They will also use value to show depth on those objects.

Computer Lab with Holly:
 This week the students continued working on creating their store catalogs, in addition to practicing their typing skills.

Life Skills / Sex Ed with Molly:
This week in 6th & 8th grade classes, we focused on eating disorders. We read about anorexia and bulimia, how to recognize them, the impact on one’s body and the importance of getting help from professionals. We watched a video interviewing teens and medical professionals who have experience with these eating disorders. We learned about recovery and both short-term and long-term health effects. Next we will focus on over-exercise and the use of steroids. Soon after, we will look at body images for both males and females in the media.

Thank you from, The Purple Team

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Week of April 13

Purple Curriculum Updates
Pre-Algebra I with MaryAnn:
In Pre-Algebra I with MaryAnn, the students continue to work with integers (Unit 11). The students have had a difficult time remembering the rules associated with adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers. I gave each student a practice worksheet on Thursday to work on as they see fit. We had a quiz today and some students have to make corrections to those quizzes and return to me on Monday. Please check in with your student to see if he/she needs to make corrections. We will be having an end of unit assessment on Wednesday next week. There will also be a notebook check.

Pre-Algebra II with Jared:
In Pre-Algebra II, we reviewed for a quiz on Tuesday, and then spent the week exploring transformations. We investigated translations, symmetry, reflections, and rotations. Students created a poster using tessellating images by translating a shape across the page. On Friday we used the computer to better visualize and practice these skills.

Pre-Algebra III with Emily:
This week we practiced finding the volume of different kinds of solids: cylinders, prisms, pyramids, and cones. Students drew diagrams and made tables in order to solve different kinds of geometry-related real-world word problems. The class took a challenging quiz on Tuesday, where calculators were not allowed. On Wednesday we finished the chapter with finding dimensions of similar solids by using proportions and explored the relationship between the ratios of corresponding dimensions of similar solids and the ratio of their surface areas and their volumes. Students completed the chapter review and we went over the problems on the quiz. On Friday, the class took the chapter test. Next up is Chapter 10: Using Graphs to Analyze Data!

Algebra I with Molly:
This week students finished the chapter 9 lessons, reviewed, and took a test. We have moved on to chapter 10, Quadratic Equations and Functions. Students reviewed graphing quadratic functions using a table of values at the end of the week.

Geometry with Holly:
We started this week by taking a quiz over last week's study of surface area.  Over Tuesday and Wednesday we discussed the concept of volume for prisms, pyramids, cylinders, and cones.  Then on Thursday we discussed surface area and volume for spheres.  We finished the week with another quiz over the last three days material.  We will have our chapter test this coming Tuesday.

Language Arts with Jared:
This week we spent a lot of time typing our Authors' Tea stories in class. Having gotten the prep work done over the past few weeks, students were able to focus on creating the rough draft of their six-page story. These will be turned in on Tuesday at the latest.  Sixth and Seventh graders took their grammar test on nouns, and also the three grades continued reading in their novels. And in their long-term picture book assignment, the different groups started illustrating pages in their final draft.

World Studies with Emily:
In US History this week, we continued our study of WWII. They answered questions about Hitler and the Nazis in the mid-nineteen twenties to the mid-thirties with partners. All three grades had about half an hour to read their novels on Tuesday, as well as answer some reading questions and reflect in their readers’ response journals.  Sixth grade reading groups got together and had some time to discuss the novel with peers reading the same novel. On Thursday, I lectured with a powerpoint and the students took guided notes. Then they had some time to look at and evaluate primary sources from WWII – propaganda posters from different countries, letters, telegrams, ration books, photos (none that were disturbing), cartoons, radio speeches, song lyrics, advertisements, and a Victory Garden manual from 1942 (that I found in an antique store in C-burg). In World Studies, we listened to summaries of current events and studied recognized, independent countries of the world by locating them on maps and saying and writing their capitals. Students received six maps of regions in Asia. Next week we will work on group research and posters of leaders of WWII as we continue reading and taking notes. 

Earth Science with Molly:
This week we focused on the different types of lithospheric plate movements and their effects. Students took notes on and modeled tension, shear, and compression stress using clay. They also created a flip book of tectonic plate changes over geologic time.

Spanish A with Rebecca:
The students started Chapter 4A, which focuses on locations and expressing where you go to do different activities. They have been practicing using the new vocabulary through written and spoken activities and enjoyed watching the "Videohistoria" that goes along with this chapter. On Friday, they watched the videos of the Restaurant skits that they had written last week!

Spanish with Olga:
Spanish B
We have been looking at verbs we use to describe how we get ready. These verbs are called reflexive verbs, and are used with reflexive pronouns. The students presented their projects on Friday.

Spanish C
We have been talking about sporting events and vocabulary to describe them. We saw reflexive verbs that are used to express a change in how one is feeling (to get happy, mad, etc.).

Spanish D/D+
We have been reading an essay titled Nombres/Names written by Julia Alvarez about her experiences as an immigrant growing up in this country. This is an authentic piece (not written for learners and not a translation). On Friday the students presented their projects.

Art with Patti:

This week students have continued working on a drawing project. They began by drawing a representational object using charcoal, making sure to include a range of value to show form. The background will include a repeated element (that can be either representational or not), that intertwines around each other.

Computer Lab with Holly:
 This week the students began their "Store Projects".  This project requires the students to use all of the skills they have used this year to create a catalog of items they might sell in their own store.  WE will be working on this project for most of the rest of the year.

Life Skills / Sex Ed with Molly:
This week in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade classes, we focused on health and nutrition resources from the website, then on body image. We discussed the importance of self-esteem and how to bolster your own self-esteem. We began looking at advertising images and how these may change our expectations for how we “should” look. We also looked at how beauty is seen and used in society. Next time we will focus on eating disorders, then move on to over-exercise and the use of steroids. Soon after, we will look at body images for both males and females in the media.

Thank you from, The Purple Team

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Week of April 6

Purple Curriculum Updates
Pre-Algebra I with MaryAnn:
In Pre-Algebra I with MaryAnn, we began Unit 10 on integers. We have learned what makes an integer, what absolute value means, and how to add and subtract integers. Next week we will move on to multiplying and dividing integers.

Pre-Algebra II with Jared:
In Pre-Algebra II, we began the week by learning how to manipulate formulas in order to isolate a given variable. Then we began reviewing our current chapter, in preparation for Wednesday's chapter test. After the test, we continued working on graphing, and the coordinate plane is quite familiar to the students after all of their dot-to-dot projects. We explored how to graph a function by picking sample x-coordinates, and we investigated how to find the slope of a given line. On Friday we used the computer to better visualize and practice these skills.

Pre-Algebra III with Emily:
Students continued working hard with the Geometry and Measurement chapter this week. Our class worked on finding surface areas of cylinders, using both nets and the formula, surface areas of pyramids and cones, using nets and formulas, and volumes of prisms and cylinders. Today I demonstrated that volume of a pyramid is one third of the volume of a cube with the same base area and height, and that the volume of a cone is one third of the volume of a cylinder with the same base area and height. We will continue working with volume next week, drawing diagram and making tables, and exploring similar solids as we finish Chapter 9.

Algebra I with Molly:
This week students continued to focus on factoring trinomials using different methods, then moved on to factoring 4-term polynomials. We practiced these methods throughout the week and will finish on Monday for a test next Wednesday. 

Geometry with Holly:
On Monday the students took the chapter test for Chapter 10.  Beginning Tuesday, we have been studying Chapter 11 which covers surface area and volume.  After an introduction to space figures on Tuesday, we discussed surface area of prisms and cylinders on Wednesday and surface area of pyramids and cones on Thursday.  On Friday we discussed volume of prisms and cylinders.  There will be a quiz over sections 11.1 - 11.3 on Monday.

Language Arts with Jared:
This week students continued finished working on the layout of their stories of their picture books, and began writing the first page of their Authors' Tea stories. In our literature unit, 6th and 7th graders continued reading Witness, and 8th graders continued  in To Kill a Mockingbird. And finally, we continued a bit in our grammar unit on nouns, with the sixth graders finishing the unit.

World Studies with Emily:
On Monday and Tuesday, classes worked on the review questions from the “Religious Anti-Semitism” reading and discussed the reading. Sixth graders got together with their reading group and started their WWII novels by first agreeing to a reading plan in order to finish the novel and write a book review by April 30th. Seventh graders wrote their top three choices for novels, and were assigned their individual novel. For eighth graders, I introduced the novel Night by Elie Wiesel. Sixth and seventh graders had about twenty minutes in class to start reading their books. I lectured to all the classes about Hitler’s background as a teen and a man in his twenties, most notable that he had always blamed others for his failures and laziness, or found scapegoats, and that he was demented and filled with hate from an early age. Students are reading about Hitler’s early political career and rise over the weekend. Students took some notes from a few powerpoint slides about different totalitarian regimes (Soviet Union, Italy, and Japan). In World Studies, students summarized the articles they read for current events, learned about and located on maps the 34 new countries since 1990, taking a close look at islands in the South Pacific, looked at global population percentages that claim to adhere to different religions, and previewed the capitals of the 196 officially recognized countries.
Earth Science with Molly:
This week we learned about convection currents in the mantle of Earth, which drive the movement of the lithosphere. Students watched a demonstration of convection currents in heated water with shampoo droplets, which circulated in a typical convection loop. We read about Alfred Wegener and his theory of continental drift, then student recreated a puzzle putting the continents in what is believed to be their former position as Pangea. They used fossil evidence and the shape of the shore lines to match the pieces. They received an introduction to plate tectonics then did an activity showing sea floor spreading. 

Spanish A with Rebecca:
The students wrote and performed restaurant skits this week, using
their vocabulary for food and expressing preferences to play a client
and server. On Friday, the students started chapter 4A, which focuses
on locations and places of importance in the community.

Spanish with Olga:
Spanish B
We reviewed and had an assessment on chapter 9B and syllable division. We are reviewing object pronouns in preparation for learning about reflexive verbs. The students have a project due on April 17. They have poster paper and can find their topic assignments on Edmodo. 

Spanish C
We reviewed the grammar and vocabulary, and had an assessment on Friday.

Spanish D/D+
We did an activity on Monday to help use oral language in Spanish. We are studying vocabulary that tends to be problematic for English speakers learning Spanish, such as false cognates (words that look similar in Spanish and English, but have different meanings) and English words with multiple translations in Spanish.

Art with Patti:

Students have continued work on their collaborative auction art. They are coming along beautifully, and will be completed soon. They have also started a representational charcoal drawing.

Computer Lab with Holly:
This week the students completed typing their Muppet packets and their Character pages.  Any students who were unable to complete these projects in class will be allowed to do so at home and bring them in on Monday.  The students will begin work creating their 'Store Catalogs" on Monday and they are all very excited.

Life Skills / Sex Ed with Molly:
This week in 6th, 7th, & 8th grade classes, we went over a nutrition guide from We spent the class discussing and critiquing their “go, slow, and whoa” categories for healthy eating. In coming classes we will focus on liking the way you look, the dangers of wanting to be someone you are not, and diseases like anorexia and bulimia. Then we will continue this focus and include a discussion of healthy exercise and steroids. Soon after, we will look at body images for both males and females in the media.

Thank you from, The Purple Team