Purple Curriculum Updates
Pre-Algebra I with Bina:
We reviewed decimal comparison, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Pre-Algebra II with Jared:
In Pre-Algebra II students started the year with a skills review packet, which I will use to determine which skills to emphasize over the next month. Students then worked on adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals. We stressed the need to show work on the page, and to be neat and organized with their work. On Fridays we practiced these skills on the laptops, using the program www.ixl.com - and students are welcome to continue working on their level at home.
Pre-Algebra III with Emily:
setting-up our binders, previewing chapter one, and completing a diagnosing
readiness last week, we started Chapter One: Integers and Algebraic
Expressions. We reviewed and practiced: writing and evaluating algebraic expressions,
using the order of operations, using a problem-solving plan to solve word
problems, finding the absolute value of integers, comparing and ordering
integers, and adding and subtracting integers. We will have our first quiz on
Algebra I with Molly:
week in Algebra, we focused on review to get our math brains working. We
practiced using variables, exponents, and order of operations. We defined and
added with real numbers. We had a quiz on our first two sections, 1-1 and 1-2
on Friday and there will be a quiz on 1-3 and 1-4 next Tuesday. The students
are doing a nice job showing their work and computing carefully.
Geometry with Holly:
We began the year in Geometry by reviewing Algebra skills which will be used throughout the year. Then we started collecting some basic skills we will be using as we study Geometry. The students have studied patterns and inductive reasoning; types of 3D drawings, nets and other models; points, lines, and lanes; plus segments, rays, parallel lines, and planes.
We began the year in Geometry by reviewing Algebra skills which will be used throughout the year. Then we started collecting some basic skills we will be using as we study Geometry. The students have studied patterns and inductive reasoning; types of 3D drawings, nets and other models; points, lines, and lanes; plus segments, rays, parallel lines, and planes.
Language Arts with Jared:
We started the year with a focus on short stories, using them as a springboard for the discussion of the elements of fiction. Sixth graders read "The Gift of the Magi" and "The Three Questions." Seventh graders read "The Gift of the Magi" and "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty." Eighth graders read "The Gift of the Magi" and "The Cop and the Anthem." We also introduced our first grammar unit (prepositions), and students will have a quiz on memorized prepositions in a few weeks. And finally, students created flashcards for our first vocabulary unit, and students will have a quiz on these 20 words in a few weeks.
World Studies with Emily:
three World Studies classes this week – two Ancient Civilization classes and
one National History Day, current event, and geography class. We discussed what
we will learn about this year regarding human origins and ancient
civilizations/cultures as well as course and assignment expectations and read
and discussed a thought-provoking essay entitled Why Study Ancient World Cultures? I introduced the 2015 – 2016 National
History Day theme (Exploration, Encounter, Exchange in History); 7th
and 8th graders read the official theme sheet while 6th
graders watched an introductory film about NHD. 8th graders discussed themes of
geography, the five guiding questions for our studies this year, and read the “World
Overview” pages of our textbook.
Life Science with Molly:
setting up our binders and learning about the topics that will be covered in
Life Science this year, students began by answering the question ‘What is life?’
These writings were discussed and students realized it was more complicated
than they realized to answer simply. We began a reading in the text on The
Origin of Life and practiced taking notes together. We also began reading the
book From Lava to Life by Jennifer
Morgan. Students learned about phenology and the regular observations we’ll be
making of plant and animal cycles throughout the year.
Spanish with Olga & Corinne:
Morning Spanish
We started the Sunshine Spanish with vocabulary for body parts and verbs. We made posters to talk about what we like and dislike.
Spanish B
We started the Sunshine Spanish with vocabulary for body parts and verbs. We made posters to talk about what we like and dislike.
Spanish B
We started with a review of verbs in the present tense and a quick overview of vocabulary. This week we learned vocabulary to describe our families and talk about celebrating with family and friends. We watched a video to listen to the vocabulary. There is Spanish homework help every Wednesday and Friday from 3:15 to 3:45, in the Spanish Room. I am delighted to be working with the students again. Corinne McCoy will be teaching them with me this year.
Spanish C
We started with a review of the present and past tense of the verbs. We also did a quick vocabulary review. We started learning words to describe things we do at school, rules, materials, classes, etc.
We watched a video to listen to the vocabulary. There is Spanish homework help every Wednesday and Friday from 3:15 to 3:45, in the Spanish Room. I am delighted to be working with the students again. Corinne McCoy will be teaching them with me this year.
We watched a video to listen to the vocabulary. There is Spanish homework help every Wednesday and Friday from 3:15 to 3:45, in the Spanish Room. I am delighted to be working with the students again. Corinne McCoy will be teaching them with me this year.
Spanish D
We started with a review of the verb system in Spanish. We also did a quick vocabulary review. We started learning terms for cooking and food. We talked about a Spanish dish called paella. Ask the students to tell you all about it!
We started with a review of the verb system in Spanish. We also did a quick vocabulary review. We started learning terms for cooking and food. We talked about a Spanish dish called paella. Ask the students to tell you all about it!
There is Spanish homework help every Wednesday and Friday from 3:15 to 3:45, in the Spanish Room. I am delighted to be working with the students again. Corinne McCoy will be teaching them with me this year.
Spanish D+
To begin the school year, we are focusing on reading comprehension. We are reading an authentic short story called "Cajas de Cartón" (Cardboard Boxes). We are also joining the D class for vocabulary reviews, question and answer practice, and games. There is Spanish homework help every Wednesday and Friday from 3:15 to 3:45, in the Spanish Room. I am delighted to be working with the students again.
Computer Lab with Holly:
Computer Lab with Holly:
During the one period which we met, the students were introduced to the plan for the year, set up their computer filing system, and were given codes so that they could join their Edmodo groups for their different classes. Basic touch typing skills will receive much more emphasis this year, and towards that end, students were introduced to the new keyboard covers which they will be using to hide the key names.
Life Skills / Sex Ed with Molly:
week students began life skills class sharing something about themselves,
completing a short questionnaire about how they feel in/about the Purple Room
thus far, and learned about the topics that will be covered in Life Skill and
Sex Ed this year. We will begin the year with a short hand-writing unit for all
groups. There will be three focuses to the unit: legibility, personality, &
Thank you from, The Purple Team