Sunday, March 8, 2015

Week of March 2nd

Purple Curriculum Updates
Pre-Algebra I with MaryAnn:
In Pre-Algebra I with MaryAnn, the students have been learning about finding the area and perimeter/circumference of parallelograms, triangles, and most recently circles. I am sending home some practice worksheets over spring break. These worksheets are optional.

Pre-Algebra II with Jared:
In Pre-Algebra II, students learned about the pythagorean theorem, and then learned how to find the square root of numbers on the calculator. They then worked the remained of the week on surface area and volume. As an art activity, they cut out a number of three-dimensional shapes and measured their surface areas and volumes. We were prepared to take our chapter test on Friday, but the delayed opening moved the test until after Spring Break. We will celebrate a delayed Pi Day celebration on the Monday after we return, and I've reminded students to take note of the once-in-a-century-amazing-Pi-Day that occurs during Spring Break, on Saturday 3-14-15 at 9:26.53 in the morning. 

Pre-Algebra III with Emily:
This week we reviewed the Chapter 7 test in detail, discussed the enrichment activity involving slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines, and practiced identifying the congruent parts of congruent polygons and proving that triangles are congruent when three sides are congruent (SSS), a side, an angle and a side are congruent (SAS), or an angle, a side, and an angle (ASA). The class solved word problems by looking for patterns and solving a simpler problem. We did some review practice from Chapter 6 and 7, and took a quiz on the first half of Chapter 8. 

Algebra I with Molly:
This week students continued our adventure into computation with exponents. They learned to multiply and divide numbers with exponential expressions, as well as large numbers in scientific notation. We will continue learning more about exponents when we return from spring break. Due to our two snow days, we missed our last two lessons on exponents, so I gave students a couple of pages to complete over the break.

Geometry with Holly:
We finished the instruction in Chapter 9 this week by discussing Tessellations on Monday. After a quiz over the last half of the chapter on Tuesday, we used Wednesday to review for the chapter test.  Unfortunately, due to the snow days, the chapter test will have to wait until the Tuesday after we return from Spring Break.  The first day back we will celebrate Pi Day by sharing the Pi Day projects the students have been working on (plus sharing pies if the students chose to bring any in), and review for the delayed chapter test. 

Language Arts with Jared:
This week students took their vocabulary tests, and started making their personalized list of spelling words for their next spelling test. Students also wrapped up their novel units with a final essay. Eighth graders wrote their essays on the role of the author, and sixth/seventh graders wrote their essays on the main character's journey. We'll start a new novel after Spring Break and begin discussing Authors' Tea.

World Studies with Emily:
In US history this week, we read some more about the Great Depression and read about President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal. Students worked in small groups to read text and answer questions about the reading. Classes read a bit about the Dust Bowl as well as about how many minorities were affected during the time. We had planned on reading some of Ronald Takaki’s A Different Mirror about Native Americans, Mexican Americans, and African Americans during the Great Depression, and three different FDR speeches (inaugural address and two “fire side chats”), but we didn’t get to it because of the snow day. Eighth graders watched several sections of Prentice Hall’s American History. For World Studies, students continued researching their assigned teams’ clues, working towards figuring out the teams’ landmarks. Final guess need to be sent to me by the 12 of March. Also, students turned in their final annotated bibliographies and their rough draft process papers for NHD. The district competition is the Friday we return from spring break--March 20th. We will need to be there at 9am and should be heading back around 1pm. I will send more details as soon as we return from the vacation.

Earth Science with Molly:
This week students learned about water in earth’s atmosphere. They learned about how clouds are formed and the different types of clouds. We made a cloud appear and disappear by changing the air pressure in a flask. Students also began taking notes and drawing diagrams about the different parts of the water cycle. They have completed collecting data on their weather observation project and will turn these posters in the Tuesday after spring break (This was an extension, due to the end of trimester celebration). When we return, students will be taking a field trip to the Blacksburg NOAA Office, then watching a weather balloon release! 

Spanish A with Rebecca:
The students started Chapter 3B this week, which focuses on foods associated with supper. They have been practicing asking each other what foods they prefer and planning what kinds of foods they would serve at a party they hosted. They have also practiced organizing foods into a "Pirámide Nutritiva" by food group. Have a great spring break!

Spanish with Olga:
Spanish B
This week we have been talking about El Museo del Prado, in Spain. We talked about Velázquez and Princesa Margarita, and how they are important in Spanish culture. We ended the week playing Scrabble in Spanish.

Spanish C
We reviewed for a test on chapter 4B, and had the test on Wednesday. We ended the week with a "what's on my head" vocabulary review game in Spanish. The students got a verb review packet. It is due at the end of March, so they can choose to work on it during break or not. 

Spanish D
We revisited the uses of indicative and subjunctive in dependent clauses. We had a second test on the material. We ended the week with a fun day of games in Spanish.

Spanish D+
We have been learning how and when to use the past (imperfecto) subjunctive in dependent clauses.  We had a test on Wednesday. We ended the week by joining the students in Spanish D for a fun day of games in Spanish.

Art with Patti:

Students finished their linear perspective drawings and turned them in on Wednesday. Then we began glazing and more glazing. Finally adding some color to those white clay pieces.

Computer Lab with Holly:
This week the students finished presenting their Restaurant Projects and were given time to work on their Weather Projects for Science or their Monument Search Projects for History.

Life Skills / Sex Ed with Molly:
This week we continued on with our sex ed lessons. 6th grade students read about height growth spurts and how their bodies grow. They watched an interesting animation of how the bone structure of an individual’s hand changes over the first 20 years of life. Next time 6th grade students will write letters to incoming Purple Room students, telling them what middle school in the Purple Room will be like. When we next focus on sex. Ed., we will discuss changing weight, body shape, and strength then eating right and taking care of one’s body. Soon after we will discuss the emotional aspects of changing bodies and steroids, anorexia, and bulimia. This week 7th & 8th grade students read from two different books about being just friends with someone of the opposite sex, crushes, romantic, and sexual feelings. We also discussed hetero and homosexuality. Next time we will focus on courses they’ll have the option to take in high school and how high school will be different. When we next focus in sex. Ed., we will discuss dating, falling in love, and making decisions about how to handle your romantic and sexual feelings.

Thank you from, The Purple Team

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