Sunday, May 3, 2015

Week April 27

Purple Curriculum Updates
Pre-Algebra I with MaryAnn:
In Pre-Algebra I with MaryAnn, we concluded Unit 12 on Thursday. Unit 12 consisted of solving two step equations, writing and graphing inequalities, square roots, and the Pythagorean Theory. We reviewed in class today with the Chapter 12 test at the end of this unit. We worked all the even number problems. I encouraged the students to use the time between now and Monday to practice with all the odd number problems as it is a good review for the end of unit assessment on Monday, along with their final notebook check. Next week we will begin our end of year assessments. They will have assessments on Wednesday and Friday. The students have review packets for chapters 1-8, which they can continue to practice with, and we review chapters 9-12 in class on Tuesday.

Pre-Algebra II with Jared:
In Pre-Algebra II, we continued looking at ways to graph data. We explored Venn diagrams, double-line, and double-bar graphs. We then reviewed Box-and-Whisker plots some more, before taking a quiz on this group of graphing tools. Then we started looking at data, and how best to obtain and represent data accurately. We discussed how to find random population samples, and how to ask questions that are not biased. Students will be using these tools to collect their own data next week. On Friday, we looked at how graphs can appear misleading if they are not created in the truest way possible, and how graphs can be manipulated to support different points of view. We'll be keeping a look out for how graphs are used by the media.

Pre-Algebra III with Emily:
The class compared two sets of data displayed on box-and-whisker plots, made scatter plots and used scatter plots to find trends that two sets of data may or may not have, and read and made circle graphs. We worked on choosing an appropriate graph depending on the type of data in order to best analyze the data by practicing as well as making a table comparing all the graphs we studied this chapter. Students took a culminating chapter 10 quiz on Friday. We will begin Chapter 11: Probability on Monday.

Algebra I with Molly:
This week we focused on solving quadratic equations using the zero-product property, then by completing the square. We spent the week practicing solving these accurately. Next week we will learn to use the quadratic formula.

Geometry with Holly:
We continued our study of circles by discussing inscribed angles on Monday, and then the students took a quiz over the first three sections of the chapter on Wednesday, On Tuesday and Thursday, we discussed Angle Measure and Segment Lengths, and finished the week with a half period on Friday where we discussed Tangent Lines and Tangent Ratios.

Language Arts with Jared:
In literature, this week students finished reading their novels. Seventh graders took their book test on Friday, and sixth graders will take theirs on Tuesday. Eighth graders will have a "blue book" essay test on Wednesday. Students also finished their Authors' Tea stories, and orally presented the first few pages to the class. Their homework has been to continue practicing reading them out loud in preparation for the evening presentations. Next week we'll start the transition from Authors' Tea to Shakespeare.

World Studies with Emily:
6th and 7th graders had time on Monday to discuss or finish reading their novels, or work on their book review that was due on Thursday. On Tuesday, all classes presented their historic profile posters with their partners. As a whole, the posters and presentations were very well done. On Thursday we heard Mr. Nathan Kranowski’s personal experience with the Holocaust; he was born in 1937 in Paris and his parents were taken from him in early 1942 and sent to Drancy Internment Camp in France and then deported to Auschwitz, where they were killed. His talk was excellent and age appropriate. Students had a chance to ask some questions afterwards and generally were very respectful and engaged. As I walked Nat out, he complimented the audience. We are grateful that he could share his horrible story and all of his knowledge with us. In World Studies, A-D and C read a couple current articles about an ex-Nazi trial going on in Germany and about the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, as well as finished up a geography activity. World Studies B reflected on NHD with the Blue roomers and explained how it is different from lower grades History Night.

Earth Science with Molly:
Students began learning about volcanoes this week. We spent some time focused on the two major earth science related current events, the volcano in Chile and the earthquake in Nepal. 7th & 8th grade students completed their lithospheric plate movement models and labeled them. 6th grade classes modeled three types of volcanoes and will complete these next week.

Spanish A with Rebecca:
The students reviewed all the vocabulary and grammar concepts of Chapter 4A on Monday, including the verb "ir" and how to use interrogative words when asking questions. There was no Spanish class on Wednsday since the students were visiting Purple. On Friay, the students took the Chapter 4A test. **Next Friday, May 8th, will be the End of Year Assessment. Monday (5/4) and Wednesday (5/6) will be review days. Students are encouraged to review the vocabulary and "Gramatica" sections in their book next week.

Spanish with Olga:
In all Spanish classes, we are working on a review packet that includes the material from the end of year assessment. The assessment will be on May 13.

Art with Patti:

The Charcoal Drawings with a Twist were looking great as students were finishing them up this week. They are use value to show dimension using charcoal and colored pencil, creating a nice focal point. Reminder to bring in something white for tie dye next week!!

Computer Lab with Holly:
The students continued working on their Store catalog projects.

Life Skills / Sex Ed with Molly:
This week students learned about our overnight field trip, were introduced to the property where we’ll stay, voted on dinner meals, gave breakfast food preferences, and provided me with tent companion preferences. I encouraged them to let me know if there was anything they were feeling uncomfortable about and to ask questions privately if they’d like. Next we will focus on over-exercise and the use of steroids. Soon after, we will look at body images for both males and females in the media.

Thank you from, The Purple Team

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