Thursday, October 20, 2016

Week of October 11, 2016

Purple Curriculum Updates
Pre-Algebra I with MaryAnn:
We reviewed unit 3 on Tuesday and took an assessment on Wednesday. The tests were handed back to the students on Thursday, with corrections due today. I will hand those back on Monday. Thursday we began unit 4 talking about divisibility rules and exponents. Next week we will talk about fractions.

Pre-Algebra II with Jared:
We spent the week looking at fractions. We used our divisibility rules to simplify fractions. We used our rules of multiples to make equivalent fractions. We then worked on finding the LCD in order to compare and order fractions. On Friday we used fractions in word problems.

Pre-Algebra III with Andrew:
This week, we continued to focus on exploring the coordinate plane system.  We practiced graphing points, drawing lines from a table, graphing two-variable equations, and deriving equations from graphs.  As we worked through these concepts, we practiced defining and using the slope as the (change in y)/(change in x).  We discussed slope-intercept form (y=mx+b), and learned how to draw a line based on it.

Algebra I with Molly:
We began this week with a project about bicycle gears. They used the transmission and bike travel equations to answer questions about the gears ratios. They created some very nice looking posters explaining their work. We began a new unit working with inequalities. So far we’ve reviewed solving for a variable using addition and subtraction. Students received their Chapter 2 tests back and will be turning in revisions. This is the last test they will be allowed to earn back ½ points on their grade. Of course, doing revisions on homework and assessments will continue to be done and will help them gain a better understanding of their mistakes. We also began working with inequalities. They were reminded to switch the inequality sign when they multiply or divide a negative number across it in the process of solving for the variable.

Geometry with Clare:
We have worked our way through the first four lessons of Chapter 3 now, focusing on proofs - a LOT of discussion and constructive criticism each day that I feel has improved geometric understanding. There are many ways to get a right answer but finding the supporting logic (and remembering the relevant vocabulary) is hard. However, we are now at the point of taking the first quiz on Monday, and then we will move on with the rest of the chapter, referring to those pesky proofs as part of the lessons rather than an end in themselves. Good work from all this week.

Language Arts with Jared:
We continued working on creating our short story ideas. The goal of the project is a 6-8 page short story that focuses on a logical plot with a satisfying resolution. We collectively brainstormed each individual story, and discussed possible plot options the students have. We also took our 3rd vocabulary quiz. The grammar unit on prepositions is also wrapping up, and we will begin to review next week for a grammar test.

World Studies & Civics with Andrew:
This week, we focused on finishing up our unit on social institutions and reviewing for our test, which was on Friday.  In addition, we worked on focusing down our topics for National History Day in preparation for going to the Virginia Tech Library next week.

Physical Science with Molly:
This week in our study of matter, we focused on changes in matter and looked at the differences between physical and chemical change. We also focused understanding the distinction between temperature and thermal energy. Students were told they will have a quiz on their science fair vocabulary next week. They will have a unit test on Matter in the coming two weeks. All students received a page of important science fair due dates through December. They were also asked to type a proposal for their chosen science fair project. 8th grade students completed their snack food packaging engineering design report and turned it in. 6th & 7th grade students learned about operational definitions.

Spanish with Corinne:
Morning Spanish
Sunshine A 
This week in Spanish we continued to work with Chapter 1A, likes and dislikes. Because of the short week we spent class practicing with the vocabulary and speaking. 

Sunshine B
This week in Spanish we continued to work with Chapter 5B, describing people and ordering at a restaurant. We learned about the verb "venir" (to come), which conjugates very similarly to the verb "tener" (to have) from last chapter. On Friday we reviewed numbers, days of the week, months, infinitive verbs, and colors with the students in Spanish A. 
Spanish B
This week we reviewed for and took a test on Chapter 5B. The tests were returned on Friday and are in student portfolios. 
Spanish C
This week we reviewed for and took a quiz on the vocabulary from Chapter 1B and comparisons. The quizzes were returned Friday and are in student portfolios. 
Spanish D
This week we finished Chapter 6B, talking about the movies. Instead of taking a test on this chapter, students are making movies that use the vocabulary and grammar. The final movies are due Thursday October 27, and students have a rubric with other dates and important information. An electronic version can be found on Google classroom. We will begin the next chapter while students finish filming their movies independently. 

Art with Patti:
Purple Room artists discussed and applied design techniques such as using unity paired with variety, as well as how to using stenciling or masking in their artwork. They also continued to complete artworks that include an anthropomorphic character. Some have started working on ideas for an artwork based on happiness.

Life Skills / Sex Ed with Molly:
This week, the 7th grade students were the only class with Life Skills. We continued our focus on emotions with a video called Understanding, Controlling, and Preventing Anger. We had some good discussion about the video after. We will do one final focus on emotions before moving on to sex ed. topics for a while. 6th grade students will begin with a focus on puberty and hormones. 7th grade students will begin where they left off last year with puberty and growth spurts, and 8th grade students will begin where they left off last year with body changes during puberty.

Thank you from, 
The Purple Team

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