Saturday, February 28, 2015

Week of February 23rd

Purple Curriculum Updates
Pre-Algebra I with MaryAnn:
In Pre-Algebra I with MaryAnn, we began Unit 9. This unit deals with area, perimeter, volume, and surface area of various figures. I gave the students a worksheet on Wednesday to take home with them and complete if we had a snow day on Thursday. Those worksheets counted as a quiz grade. Some students did not fare very well, because they did not complete both sides of the worksheet. I returned the worksheets today and told the students if they want to complete the other side and return on Monday, I will give them partial credit for it.

Pre-Algebra II with Jared:
Students spent the week continuing to work with area, focusing on the area of irregular figures (and learning how to break the odd shapes into recognizable parts) and on the area and circumference of circles. They spent some time online practicing this skill with IXL. On Friday students then took their chapter quiz, and were introduced to square roots.

Pre-Algebra III with Emily:
Students took their Chapter 7 test on Monday. On Tuesday, we began Chapter 8: Geometry by learning about pairs of angles – using adjacent angles and vertical angles as well as supplementary and complementary angles to find the measurements of other angles. We identified corresponding angles and alternate interior angles when two lines are intersected by a transversal and learned that when a transversal intersects two parallel lines, the corresponding angles and the alternate interior angles are congruent. We identified parallel lines and explained that they were parallel by knowing that corresponding angles or alternate interior angles were congruent. We did an extension activity involving the special properties of parallel lines’ and perpendicular lines’ slopes, as well as identified congruent parts of congruent polygons and methods of identifying congruent triangles. 

Algebra I with Molly:
This week students took a test on Chapter 7, solving systems of equations and inequalities. We have now moved on to Chapter 8 with a focus on exponents. Students reviewed basic operations with exponents and learned how to simplify bases with negative exponents. We will continue learning more operations with exponents through next week.

Geometry with Holly:
We started the week with a quiz over the basic transformations.  Beginning on Tuesday we discussed symmetry, dilations, and composition of reflections.

Language Arts with Jared:
Sixth and seventh-graders spent the week analyzing the plot structure of Kira-Kira, in anticipation of writing an essay on the novel next week. Eighth graders learned about the author behind The Education of Little Tree, and read a number of articles on other non-fiction novels that turned out to contain fictitious elements. All of the grades continued work on their grammar unit on nouns, and they also took a vocabulary quiz. Next week, in addition to writing an essay on their novel, students will take a vocabulary test on the words from their past three units.

World Studies with Emily:
On Monday and Tuesday of this week, we geared up for History Night. Students reviewed their peer’s projects, offering feedback and compliments. We discussed the annotated bibliography and upcoming process paper. In US History, we continued talking about the Great Depression. Students are working with partners to answer a number of questions about the time period (Great Depression, FDR, the New Deal, the Dust Bowl) using their textbook as a reference. We will continue to work on this next week, as we read and listen to a couple of FDR’s speeches (inaugural address and a fireside chat) and then write letters to FDR from a range of perspectives. In World Studies, we are in week two of the Global Landmark Games. Students are researching other team’s clues, trying to figure out each team’s landmark. The link to the clues are posted on Edmodo, so students can work on this fun project at home too! Also, please make sure all of your VA Tech Library books have been returned!! Thank you.
Earth Science with Molly:
This week we learned about what causes the wind. We used an anemometer to measure the wind speed outside. We changed the air pressure in a bottle by heating and cooling the air and watched the changes in a balloon over the top. We reviewed heat transfer and learned about heat transfer in the atmosphere. Students should be collecting their final data points for their weather observations. They will be creating posters to display and discuss their data to complete the project. Some time will be given to work on this project during computer lab.

Spanish A with Rebecca:
The Spanish A students spent Monday and Wednesday reviewing the vocabulary and grammar concepts in Chapter 3A. They took the test on Chapter 3A on Friday and will begin a new chapter on Monday.

Spanish with Olga:
Spanish B
We finished chapter 9A and had an assessment on it. We have been reading "Alejandro", and learned about Princesa Margarita de Asturias. We finished watching "¿Eres tú, María?" The students were excited to see the mystery solved.

Spanish C
We continue working with the two past tenses. We completed several practice worksheets. We will have an assessment next week. I gave the students the materials to read "Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal".  We read the first two paragraphs, and the students are very excited about it.

Spanish D
We continue working with the differences between subjunctive and indicative moods, and between the present and the present perfect tenses.  I gave the students their last assessment back, and decided that we needed to stay on this topic a little longer. We will have another assessment on the same material next week. We listened to music and played a game to review verb forms.

Spanish D+
The students are learning to determine when to use present subjunctive or imperfect subjunctive. We will have an assessment next week. We listened to music and played a game to review verb forms.

Art with Patti:

This week we spent time finishing the perspective drawings. Those are due on Wednesday, March 4. We have also started glazing! All of the ceramic pieces have been fired, and now students will spend the next few classes glazing the bisque ware. They are having fun deciding what colors to apply to their pieces.  

Computer Lab with Holly:
 This week the students began presenting their their restaurant projects to their classmates.

Life Skills / Sex Ed with Molly:
This week we finished watching our documentary called Living On One Dollar. Students also worked on their My Dream of The Future story boards. Next week we will focus on Sex Ed. 7th & 8th grade students will review the sexual organs of their respective gender. 6th Grade students will learn about growth spurts and changing bodies during puberty.

Thank you from, The Purple Team

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