Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week of February 9th

Purple Curriculum Updates
Pre-Algebra I with MaryAnn:
In Pre-Algebra I with MaryAnn we have worked on what constitutes a polygon and various types of polygons. We also learned about congruent and similar figures and lines of symmetry. The students were given a math packet on Thursday to complete by next Tuesday. This packet will be counted as a quiz. We will complete Unit 8 next week. At this point, we are on track to have our unit assessment on Thursday, February 19.

Pre-Algebra II with Jared:
In Pre-Algebra II, we finished our introduction to geometry by looking at circles, and identifying chords, diameters, and arcs. Then we worked on creating circle graphs from scratch, making sure each section of the graph was the appropriate percentage of the circle. We then reviewed for our chapter test that we took on Thursday.

Pre-Algebra III with Emily:
The class reviewed the Chapter 7 quizzes and went over Friday’s challenge problems on Monday, as well as learned how to raise a power to a power and to raise a product to a power. On Tuesday, we reviewed homework and practiced writing equations to real-world problems. Students continued working on word problems for homework. We reviewed the equations and solutions on Wednesday and explored the bases of number systems. Students practiced writing the decimal value of a binary number and changing a decimal value to a binary number. It’s challenging at first and practice really helps one get the hang of a base-two number system. The students did well and enjoyed it! The class began working on the Chapter 7 review in class on Thursday.

Algebra I with Molly:
This week students finished the topics in the chapter as they learned to graph inequalities on a coordinate plane, shading above or below the line. They then learned to solve systems of inequalities to find the overlapping range of solutions. They also spent time practicing solving systems of linear equations as applied to real-world situations, choosing the appropriate method to use for solving, elimination, graphing, or substitution. They will review and take their chapter 7 test next Tuesday and Wednesday.

Geometry with Holly:
This week we completed Chapter 8 and began Chapter 9.  After a review on Monday, the students took their Chapter 8 test on Tuesday, and all did well, as usual.  On Wednesday we began studying transformations by discussing translations, and then discussed reflections on Thursday.

Language Arts with Jared:
In Literature, the sixth and seventh graders finished reading Kira-Kira, and we'll spend the next week analyzing the story. Eighth graders continued working on chapters in their novel, The Education of Little Tree. This week all three sections began their new grammar unit on nouns.

World Studies with Emily:
Classes finished reading and taking notes on Chapter 25 about the roaring 1920s. We watched a half hour Discovery Education film about the decade and discussed major themes of the era, including how behavior in the 20s led to the Great Depression. Students read a four short chapters from Joy Hakim’s A History of US: War, Peace, and All that Jazz 1918-1945 about the Great Depression and a bit about the Dust Bowl. We listened to a popular song from 1928 and then a few songs from 1932-1935 and discussed the change in subject, tone, and feeling. It’s fun to study history through popular music and it is often an indicator for what people are experiencing, just like any art form. We looked at some video as well as some images from the time period as well. For World Studies, we finished our Landmark Challenge clues, voted on team names, and registered for the games. I showed the students a Power Point about the process paper, which is a mandatory element of NHD (also mandatory for those who are not competing) that describes how the topic and category were chosen, how the research was conducted and the project created, and links the topic to this year’s theme. Students have handouts for the process paper and the annotated bibliography to which they can refer. 

Earth Science with Molly:
This week we focused on energy in the atmosphere and heat transfer. Students learned the differences between convection, conduction, and radiation. For their weather observation project, students chose weather variables to collect data for. They created empty data tables and scales to rate their observations. They should be collecting data daily for the next two weeks. 

Spanish A with Rebecca:
This week, the students learned about different countries in South America and discussed which one(s) they would most want to visit and why. They also continued to practice conjugating regular -ER and -IR verbs and using them in sentences, as well as expressing what they eat and drink for breakfast and lunch.

Spanish with Olga:
Spanish B
We revisited the verb gustar and learned that the pronoun we use with that verb is called an indirect object pronoun. We then learned other verbs that have the same grammatical structure as gustar.  We also learned how to say that we "just finished" something (acabar de). We watched the grammar videos that on with those lessons. Finally, we read another chapter in the book "La Gran Aventura de Alejandro".

Spanish C
We are talking about the past. We continue practicing the preterite and the imperfect, and the different uses of the imperfect. We are choosing which of these two aspects of the past tense to use. This can be challenging, so we will be working with it for a while.

Spanish D
We continue working with the subjunctive, identifying different types of clauses, and deciding which moods to use. We listened to music and noted where the subjunctive and future tense are used in the songs. We have an assessment next week.

Spanish D+
The students have joined the Spanish D students in the study of the dependent clauses. We have an assessment next week.

Art with Patti:

Purple room students are continuing to work on their linear perspective drawings. They are coming up with some very creative compositions, and having a fun time exploring linear perspective. Some have started added color, and they are looking really beautiful.

Computer Lab with Holly:
This week the students continued preparing Power Point presentations to present their restaurants to their classmates.

Life Skills / Sex Ed with Molly:
The next time we have Life Skills 2/23 & 2/27, we will finish up our focus on social services. The next time we focus on Sex Ed 7th & 8th grade students will review the sexual organs of their respective gender. 6th Grade students will learn about growth spurts and changing bodies during puberty.

Thank you from, The Purple Team

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